Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A dry drivers view

"A dry drivers view"
6x6 inch
oil on gessobord

On my way home, in the car. This is in The Hague. I wanted to capture the rain in this painting. To feel the wet and cold when you look at it. This in contrast with the beauty of the bright, washed colors.
Rain does have his advantages :)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Texas house in the Heights 2

"Texas house in the Heights 2"
6x6 inch
oil on gessobord

I haven't posted a painting in a loooong time, the longest ever. It's because we moved into our first real own house in the Netherlands, my home country. It's all very grown up, and I have been painting walls and furniture instead.
Now all that's done and I am not leaving for a few years.
If I don't get too fed up with one place ofcourse, that's new for me and time will tell :)
Back to the real painting, that I missed so  much!

This little painting I made from a picture I took at my last tour through the Heights, a neighbourhood in Houston. I left Houston after living there for 2.5 years and I am happy I made so many pictures. I want to paint all the houses that made me stop to have it memorized.