Pintar Rapido 2016
I joined the Pintar Rapido in Amsterdam this weekend. Lots of artists from all places came to Amsterdam to make a painting in a day and exhibit their work on sunday in the Posthoornkerk in Amsterdam.
Saturdaymorning after I got my Pintar Rapido stamp on the back of my empty canvas, I took off to a coffeeshop, hoping for some nice light and a good spot in a quiet corner.
I found it:
This seemed like a nice composition and I did what I always wanted but never dared to do: paint in public. I took out my stuff and.... nobody cared! This is Amsterdam ofourse, nothing is weird here :)
Some interesting people came by, compositionwise, so there was enough subject to choose from.
I started painting people, they went quickly, I made it into another person, etc. I ended up practicing my skills in quick painting people.
The people in the foreground were suddenly gone, when I was nearly done. So, some details I added later from a picture I made with my phone.

And this is the result after 2 hours:
"Coffee at the Damrak"
8x8 inch
oil on canvas
I made it back far before closing time, next year I can do a bigger one.
Happy with the result, I love painting plein air like this (even though it's indoor air).
And the exhibition? My painting got sold straight away and I even won a 4th place prize!!!! On top of that I got to meet my favorite plein air painter Roos Schuring, who was one of the judges.
What a weekend...
The prizewinning paintings on stage>