Sunday, November 22, 2015


6x6 inch
oil on gessobord
This place is the best place in Houston, in my opinion. At first we went there because it was extremely close to our house but soon we found out that each staffmember could be our best friend and the menu totally changed regularly. How great to coincidentally have such a place opposite your street! I will miss it.
Whenever I see this painting, I am back there, so, it will stay with me.
This is the last painting I post from Texas..I am going to move back to the Netherlands next week and my paintings will be packed. I can open my shop when they arrive, which should be around the 12th of december.
In the meantime, I will paint whenever I have a free minute. I have loads of Texas ideas and I cannot wait to paint them. Also, I wonder what will inspire me most when I am back home.. My future paintings will be a mix of Texas, Holland and horses, probably :)

Monday, November 16, 2015

New shoes for the horse

"New shoes"
6x6 inch
oil on gessobord
This painting I made from a picture made on the dude ranch in Bandera, Texas. The farrier was working in a shady spot under a tree. The horse seemed happy. The background needed a few adjustments. There was an edge of high, dry grass in front of the bushes and trees but then the depth in the painting was gone. I made the trees more blurry and added dark underneath the trees and it was an instant improvement.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Yellow bag

"Yellow bag"
6x6 inch
oil on gessobord
A table in the sun in Houston, this is a lunchplace close to where I live. Finally the weather cools down and I am able to make terrace pictures. I paint the most interesting things in my studio at home. I like the bright sun in this one and the reflections in the window.
This is how this painting looks framed.
I have been making a few paintings lately that didn't turn out all that well in my opinion. Let's call them "studies". It is good for practice, I know, and I want to only post the paintings I am proud of but I get SO frustrated and depressed after wiping out 3 paintings. And then, when this painting worked out so well (2nd attempt..) I am sooo happy! This is a special one for me, got me back in my good mood.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Horse with red halter

"Horse with the red halter"
6x6 inch
oil on gessobord

I started this painting wanting to make it monochrome, but using more and more colors along the way. I ended up with raw umber, burnt sienna, ultramarine, phtalo blue, permanent madder deep and a little cad yellow (and white). So pretty much my whole normal palette. It was still too colorless, something was missing. So now the horse has a red halter.